Fantasy or Reality?
Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island is quite a different take on the story then the premise from the TV series of the 70’s/80’s. A much darker take on the island and how the ‘magic’ works.
But this post is not a review of the movie, I am sure you can find lots of those in a google search or from rotten tomatoes. However, the movie inspired this post reflecting upon the strange duality of “creating your own story” vs “dealing with harsh reality”
Often attributed to Henry Ford “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right,” It is a quote about how our attitude determines our outcome…but I wonder sometimes — is this really true?
A vision of success is necessary to achieve success, as Stephen Covey puts it, all things are created twice, the physical creation — follows the mental creation.
But this can be easily mis-understood as noted by Zig Ziglar. Simply having a positive image and positive thinking alone does not create success. It may greatly improve your chances, but you cannot land an airplane in an emergency with only the belief in yourself and some positive thinking. You need (at least some) knowledge and experience.
Some of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn in life, stem from when I tend to ‘walk away from reality’. Perhaps this means I am ‘crazy’ or ‘insane’ but experience teaches me if you get really good at creating your own story, it is easy to ignore the reality of what is going on around you — and suddenly that very reality can quickly come crashing down.
If someone doesn’t really like you, if they don’t want to be your friend, your co-worker, or your boss. If someone has a low opinion of your worth (despite how you feel about yourself). Your positive attitude is unlikely to change their belief. It is further unlikely to change the way they respond to your communication. Haters will be hate, Trolls will troll, and hecklers will heckle.
It may simple be the case — that despite all your best efforts, the other person simply chooses not to follow your way of thinking (and this is okay). You may have to come to the reality that the world is not the world dreamt of in your fantasy, but is something else, perhaps even more sinister and more terrifying.
We live in a world of a variety of different people, with a multitude of different beliefs and values. We share some and some we do not. The reality we live in is not one where everyone can be the next movie star, famous musician, or sports player. Everyone cannot be friends and ‘just get along’. But at the same time we also all have our specific passions, wishes, dreams, and goals.
Don’t let the ‘harshness’ of reality prevent you from dreaming and goal setting, and don’t assume that a dream with a goal and some positive thinking are sufficient conditions alone.
Embrace your inner geek — and be proud of it!