COVID-19: An open letter to the citizens of the world.
Feb 7, 2021
Hello Everyone,
My name is Marcus, I was 28 years old and working towards a career in the IT field. I also happened to have been Type 1 diabetic. Daily insulin injections helped me to stay alive. Unfortunately, I passed away just last week on a ventilator in the local hospital. Perhaps surprisingly — the cause of my death, was not due to my diabetes, but COVID-19.
I suspect my story is not unlike that of you, I was father of three wonderful children who are still so very young and I loved very deeply. When COVID-19 hit we all struggled to be very careful not to introduce it to anyone in the family. We even wore face masks before it was even a “thing” around these parts.
We only traveled out for necessities, food, water… toilet paper! Whenever possible we used online ordering and the curb side pick up options, I was so grateful to have these options available.. One night about 2 months ago, one of my children showed a rather high fever at night, and what could simply be passed of as a ‘just the flu’ is not so easily ignored. That night without thinking I headed to a local grocery store, and picked up some ibuprofen, I was so distraught at the time I honestly don’t even remember if I wore my mask.
My child was stayed home from school and isolated for about 2 weeks, as we waited to get tested for COVID, get the results back. We were thrilled when the test came back negative, and it really was just the flu. This is the world we live in today.. we get “excited” about the flu.
So when a few days later, I started getting similar symptoms, it would be reasonable to assume it was “just the flu” was well. So how shocking it was to discover that my test was positive.. How could this be?
The area where I live, fortunately, has some great folks, who do ‘contact’ tracing. They sat with me on several occasions, we went through it over and over again. Where did I go in the last week? Which places did I visit? Did I leave my community at any point? Did I wear my mask when I traveled out? They thanked me for all this information, but I was still no closer to understanding ‘how did I get it?’
Turns out, it was that 15 minute visit to that grocery store for ibuprofen. Apparently the manager of the grocery store took a trip outside of the region this holiday season to visit family. Despite the rules requiring self isolation.. they returned to work, they showed no symptoms and decided not to self-isolate, never giving it a second thought — “it was fine”, “no harm done”. Right?
But it was not fine, several of their staff also became affected, and I found myself in the wrong place and at the wrong time… I guess?…. I can’t help but think of my children, their grief and future without a father in their lives.. I do not speak to you anger, but in awareness, and I can not help but wonder.. When a person gets behind a vehicle after consuming alcohol and they hit someone, they are criminally responsible ??.. but where is the justice for my death? And for the suffering of my children?? —
I lie in the ground now, never knowing what my full potential might have been… Fortunately, however I did have a COVID19 app, which can alert others, and perhaps that one event, might still save some lives yet before it is too late.
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The above story is fictional, but could easily happen to you or anyone you care about !Please don’t let this story turn from fiction to FACT — Wear a mask, follow the rules of your local jurisdiction, get the app, and don’t lie/cheat during contact tracing…We are one world…and we are all in this together!